Frequently Asked Questions

What is unique about these desks?

The Aussie Active Desks range are unique in the following ways:

  • Created by a teacher to address student health, learning and engagement

  • A simple design including:

    • A multi indexing plunger (spring knob) which is easy for students, teachers and other people to pull out and click back in to to adjust the desk height;

    • A look and feel that resembles traditional classroom desks

  • Locally owned and made (Queensland, Australia)

  • Provide a junior and senior desk option to cater for Prep through to Year 12 students and teachers

  • Provide an option for buyers to purchase a FRAME only so that they can use an existing school desk top - saving money and re-using materials.

Are the desk tops durable?

Yes. The Aussie Active Desks desk tops are made of laminex making them durable and easy to clean.  The standard desk top colours have a 7-year warranty. The added bonus is that there are over 30 laminex desk top colours to choose from making them a somewhat colourful and fresh option in classrooms! The white sheen desk top option has a 12 month warranty.

How easy would it be to retro-fit one of our existing school desk tops to an Aussie Active Desk frame?

From initial trials with a School Groundsman, the time it took for him to unscrew a desk top from an older school desk, then screw it on to an Aussie Active Desks junior or senior frame was 3 minutes.   The Groundsman noted that it was easy and said that it was a great idea for schools to consider.  "You could re-use older existing desk tops and possibly even use the older desk frames for scrap metal.  There's a fundraising idea there!"